Lord of the Mod
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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:57 am
Fighter Rebalance
Ok here is some info on what i have planned.
Light Fighters: As it says Light fighters Fast Nimble and deadly in groups, But not much of a major threat alone only slightly slower than the Interceptors.
Best used to attack in groups. Or scout alone or in Pairs.
Medium Fighters: Maneuverable, Shields and Hull allow them to take a decent hit or two before being in any danger, Will be able to keep up with Lights but only for a short time.
Best used as a group to tackle any other strike craft sent towards them, They will be the only fighters with a multitude of shields to choose from.
Interceptors: Fast, Deadly and packing some decent firepower (depending on the ship) and able to run rings around all other ships.
Best used in groups to seek and destroy.
Heavy Fighters: Able to stay in a fight over a long period of time, Shrugging off most hits on the shields and carrying enough firepower to take out any other strike craft in a couple of hits. But is slow and moves like a heavy bomber.
Works well with some mediums or another heavy as backup.
Assault Fighters: Assault Fighters are Fighters that can take on Capital ships, Think of them as the SHB version of a Fighter, This fighters will carry limited capital assault weapons and ordinance, They will be nothing compared to a Real SHB but they are the most suited to assist a Bomber pilot as they will be able to carry 2 Mag Pulse Torpedoes. Your shields and Hull are what keep you alive, Don't count on being able to out fly another type of fighter, But you can take a volley of laser hits before its a problem.
Pair these babies up with a Bomber pilot and watch the fireballs ensue.
Medium Bombers:
Will have the same speed as the Medium fighters, But carry less weaponry and in some cases no shields but able to bring down smaller capitals in pairs.
Best suited to hit and run due to the limited defenses of the ship.
Heavy Bombers:
Able to strike at heavier targets and wear them down, Shielding and Mines are the best defensive equipment you will have.
Speed is key, get in and get out while sharing the same speed as the medium bombers its movement is akin to a bantha.
Use the mines to discourage people chasing you, or to simple blow off turrets and shielding of the capital you just passed.
Super Heavy Bombers
Death incarnate, These large bombers can destroy small capitals in there sleep, Equipped with Turbolasers and enough ordinance to make a quartermaster cry, When one of these turns up you will need to kill it quick Before it decides to look in your direction.
Carrying enough ordinance to take on a heavy cruiser one on one its slow and moves like a brick but can put a hole right through an enemy fleet.
Interdiction Mine: 10k range can pull anything out of cruise including your own people, (Can destroy incoming and outgoing ordinance)
Seismic Charge: 3k Range can be used to discourage people chasing you.
Orbital Mine: This Mine was originally designed to be seeded in the upper atmosphere of a planet. Now it has been remade to be dropped around Capital formations to inflict damage akin to that of a proton torpedo with a larger radius.
Light Fighters: As it says Light fighters Fast Nimble and deadly in groups, But not much of a major threat alone only slightly slower than the Interceptors.
Best used to attack in groups. Or scout alone or in Pairs.
Medium Fighters: Maneuverable, Shields and Hull allow them to take a decent hit or two before being in any danger, Will be able to keep up with Lights but only for a short time.
Best used as a group to tackle any other strike craft sent towards them, They will be the only fighters with a multitude of shields to choose from.
Interceptors: Fast, Deadly and packing some decent firepower (depending on the ship) and able to run rings around all other ships.
Best used in groups to seek and destroy.
Heavy Fighters: Able to stay in a fight over a long period of time, Shrugging off most hits on the shields and carrying enough firepower to take out any other strike craft in a couple of hits. But is slow and moves like a heavy bomber.
Works well with some mediums or another heavy as backup.
Assault Fighters: Assault Fighters are Fighters that can take on Capital ships, Think of them as the SHB version of a Fighter, This fighters will carry limited capital assault weapons and ordinance, They will be nothing compared to a Real SHB but they are the most suited to assist a Bomber pilot as they will be able to carry 2 Mag Pulse Torpedoes. Your shields and Hull are what keep you alive, Don't count on being able to out fly another type of fighter, But you can take a volley of laser hits before its a problem.
Pair these babies up with a Bomber pilot and watch the fireballs ensue.
Medium Bombers:
Will have the same speed as the Medium fighters, But carry less weaponry and in some cases no shields but able to bring down smaller capitals in pairs.
Best suited to hit and run due to the limited defenses of the ship.
Heavy Bombers:
Able to strike at heavier targets and wear them down, Shielding and Mines are the best defensive equipment you will have.
Speed is key, get in and get out while sharing the same speed as the medium bombers its movement is akin to a bantha.
Use the mines to discourage people chasing you, or to simple blow off turrets and shielding of the capital you just passed.
Super Heavy Bombers
Death incarnate, These large bombers can destroy small capitals in there sleep, Equipped with Turbolasers and enough ordinance to make a quartermaster cry, When one of these turns up you will need to kill it quick Before it decides to look in your direction.
Carrying enough ordinance to take on a heavy cruiser one on one its slow and moves like a brick but can put a hole right through an enemy fleet.
Interdiction Mine: 10k range can pull anything out of cruise including your own people, (Can destroy incoming and outgoing ordinance)
Seismic Charge: 3k Range can be used to discourage people chasing you.
Orbital Mine: This Mine was originally designed to be seeded in the upper atmosphere of a planet. Now it has been remade to be dropped around Capital formations to inflict damage akin to that of a proton torpedo with a larger radius.

Caelitus Mihi Vires.