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Freeworlds Staff

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:31 pm
by Alexscither
Server Owner/Head Admin: The owner of our servers. He's paying for the server on which we run our mod and manages the admin team. If there's a problem with the admins, this is who you should talk to. Absolute authority concerning the community and the mod.

Forum Owner: The owner of the forum, it's database, FWCP and the domainname. Anything technical with the forum (Including, but not limited to, the automated memberlists, plugins and FWCP), he's the guy to contact. Absolute authority over anything connected to the forum on the technical side.

Teamspeak Owners: Owners of the teamspeak server. If there's a problem with the teamspeak, these are the people you contact. They hold no power over the community itself, just over the teamspeak. Absolute authority over anything related to the teamspeak server.

Administrators: Managers of the community, server and teamspeak. They are to be contacted about any problems, issues or questions that you can't find out yourself. Including, but not limited to, server rules, faction Rules, cheating, account problems, Rule changes, rule breakers, faction balance server wide, Bugs, Dev work and any changes to the forums or teamspeak. They have the full support of the teamspeak and server owners. They work as a team and speak as a team. Hold authority over all aspects of the community.

Assistant Admins: These members have volunteered their time to help handle the behind the scenes work with the forums, servers, community work. These members do not handle community related issues, rule issues, violation judgments. They are here to help the Admin team not the community at large.

Server Police Leader: The SP leader manages the Server Police as a group. If you have an issue with a Server Police, you take it to the SP leader. If you can't come to a solution with the SP leader, you contact an admin. Holds authority over all happenings on the game server as well as disputes on the teamspeak server.

Server Police: The Server Police are responsible for monitoring day-to-day operations on the server, teamspeak and forums. They are there to settle disputes of cheaters/rule breakers and to report them. They are responsible for any rule violations. They are not responsible for RP arguments or OOC arguments on the server; unless this breaks a server rule. The SP's are to report every rule violation and the action taken in disciplinary actions. Hold authority over all happenings on the game server as well as disputes on the teamspeak server.

Community Leaders The community leaders are responsible for maintaining activity on the server. They are responsible for training and helping new members and possibly instructing them on certain aspects of either the community or the mod.
If there is an RP dispute, these people will be able to help you deal with it. They handle personal problems between either factions or members and are your soundboard if something is wrong. Talk to them if you want your voice to be heard.
(These members are either admin-appointed or voted into service.)


Server Owner/Head Admin

Forum owner

Teamspeak Server Owners

Server Admins

Assistant Admins

Server Police Leader

Server Police
John Cena