

Online Ships


TE Rules

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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:47 am

Post Sat May 18, 2013 3:14 pm

TE Rules


-A base may be captured by a faction/group/ or individuals players.

-When declaring capturing with either via TT or Capship, the declaration MUST be done in a OOC statement. Must include the specifics faction/group/person the base is being captured for.

- Factions take turns declaring TEs on up to 2 bases within 1 system, at 2 TE per week.

- The declaration of a TE must be at least 4 days ( 96 hours ) prior to the time declared, and Targets need to be called at least 48 hours in advance.

- Should a Faction not declare in time, the next one in line can declare one, and must do so within 2 days ( 48 hours ) of the time declared.

- Types of TEs a faction may call: Assault TE (Other types may be introduced at a later date)

- All TE declarations must be called in GMT format, for easier calculation for the whole server.

- The TE can be called for any time of the day.

- TE can be called early but not until the previous TE has ended.

Rotation/Target System:

TE Rotation Two factions a Weekend:
New Republic- Galactic Empire-*First call, first choice on day*

- Factions can auction off their turn in the TE rotation.

- Assault TEs will be divided into 2 categories, Attack/Defense and Civ.

- Any Assault TE can be called on up to 2 bases in any 1 system at a time.

- If one base is owned, and one is civ, then revert to the rules for attack/defense TE's.

- In an Assault TE, If the attacking faction has chosen to attack one base, they have 60 minutes from the beginning of the TE start time to win the base.

- In an Assault TE, If the attacking faction has chosen to attack two bases, they have 120 minutes from the beginning of the TE start time to win the bases.

- All factions/groups/Civilians can attend any Type of TE, Motives, politics, and reasoning is up to the factions and is not policed by SP/Admin.

Assault TE Gameplay Rules:

- Plans for any type of TE are for the faction leaders to come up with. Do whatever you must (within the Server/TE Rules) to win.

- You may only re-spawn When the SP says SPAWN. The time is every 15 mins from start of TE. You must still wait for the call whether its late or early.

- Attackers and Defenders may NOT respawn in the target system. They must select, before the TE starts, a base to respawn from and tell the SPs of the TE which bases they will be respawning from.

- Defenders may start at their bases however their respawn must be out of system, unless they only have bases with in that system.

- All players may only land for repair and re-arm on allied or friendly bases. There is no limit to how many times any ship may repair/re-arm. When you die, you must get a beam back to your respawn location. YOU will need to tell the SP and wait for the beam. DO NOT FLY THERE ON YOUR OWN.

- No player may switch characters during a TE. It is simply too difficult to keep track of. *TT are the only exception to this run and only coming out of a TT char. *See TT rules*

- No player may acquire a new ship once the TE has started, you must stay in the one you have until the TE is over.
Recapturing a base is allowed, however, each side may only recapture once per TE. Example: - The Imperials captures Golan Arms, the new republic then recaptures Golan Arms, The Imperials then capture the Wavefront, the new republic are then not able to recapture again. However, the Imperials can recapture Golan Arms.

- Diplomacy and Politics are NOT policed by SPs/Admins. These actions (examples - arranging a closer starting base, supporting forces, repair/re-arm bases, use of capital ship moor, etc.) are part of the Roleplay, part of the Strategy, and part of the FUN.

- No faction may change its relations (to any other faction) within 24 hours of a declared TE.

- Factions may not use game exploits such as hiding inside a model or other things such as that.

Capturing Rules:

Capturing via capital ship:

- An Escort class capital or greater must sit, uncontested, for 15 minutes, in order to capture a base. Any opponent can "contest" the capture by engaging the capturing vessel. The capturing vessel, must be engaged to count as contesting. (Example: Bombers magging or shooting the shields consistently with ions, is considered contested. A fighter shooting it, does not. It is up to the SP to decide when the capship is no longer Contested. A minimum shield recharge of 50% is required to resume the counter.

- Factions are allowed to capture a base for any faction.

- Mercenary faction types are allowed to capture bases for their employing faction. OR for themselves.

- Only the main dock point at any base/planet may be used to "capture" by capital . (No skyhooks or capital moors) (In the event a planet has 2 docks I.E. Naboo - Theed/Otah Gunga the point of "capture" will be declared by faction attempting to "capture" during their announcement of TE.)

Capturing via Troop Transports:

- You may capture a base using Transports of 700 Cargo or less. A total of 2100 is required to cap a base. You must declare to an SP if you are TTing.

- TT Must start from the home system and use a commodity that's sold on your Home Planet.

- You must dock with said transport. A TT pilot must declare in system chat that he has docked. The SP will then have you un-dock and verify that you have the commodities. At which point you drop the cargo and the SP will beam you back to your home base

- Only the main dock point at any base/planet may be used to "capture" by TT. (No skyhooks or capital moors) (In the event a planet has 2 docks I.E. Naboo - Theed/Otah Gunga)

- Those who are in a Troop Transport in a TE may switch out to another char. ONCE. You may not switch into a TT char and the char you are switching into must be checked by an Server Police BEFORE the TE starts.

- When a faction caps a base ALL previously landed Troops are removed and must be re-landed.


- A SP/Admin Char will count the minutes and give updates on who's capturing bases.

Attacking Factions:

- In order to capture a base, the attacking faction may sit a capital ship (Escort or above) for 15 minutes, within 2km, uncontested by other enemy ships, at the main dock of a target base/planet.

- Or capture With TT's

Defending Factions:

- The defending faction must prevent the above condition for 60 or 120 minutes.

Neutral Bases/Planets TEs

- A faction may sit a capital ship (Escort or above) for 15 minutes or capture via TTs

Hired Pirates/Mercs:

- All Pirate Bids must be done in the open.

- Any and All bidding closes 24 hours prior to the TE.

- All public contracts are rule enforced, meaning you can not cancel or break the contract after the 24 hour deadline. There is no rule, however, saying that you must attend, Or that you cannot attack your employers.

- Factions can NOT hire Pirates if they have said Pirates listed as hostile.

- Pirates can't hire other Pirates.

New added TE Rules

These are along with the normal rules, And Cancel out some Old ones.

    - TE is 2 Hours.


    - Bombers may no longer have infinite re-spawns.

    - Each Faction may only Capture Two bases at a time.

    - Capturing timer for bases that are not Planets is now 10 mins, Planets remain at 15.

    - Once a Capital ship that has been capping is destroyed or leaves the 2k capping zone it has 5 minutes to return before the timer is reset
    Also any allied capital ship in the area can take over within that 5 minutes to prevent the timer from resetting.

    - Pirate Capitals may show up to an Attack TE if they plan to take the Bases for themselves and are not allied with any other Major Faction.

    - Only Factions may Capture with Troop Transports.

    - Only Dedicated Troop Transport ships may capture bases (New Republic: Mu Shuttle, Nu Shuttle, Large Republic TT / Galactic Empire: Sigma

    - Shuttle, Military Shuttle, Large Imperial TT)

    - To capture a base you must have a Large TT (Or a Cap when they are unlocked) In order to land troops

    - The Large TTs can capture with a Timer like a normal Capital.

    - They do not have to be in front of the dock but must be within 2k of the base or planet.

    - Troop Transports will have to be part of the Trading arm (SFS/NR-S).

    - Capitals showing up to a TE will be charged a Fee for each time they die.

    - Cap pilots are allowed to switch to a Strike craft to stop mounting
    prices, Or to simply change there Game play. (They may only Change once and it must be into a medium fighter or bomber.)

    - TT Pilots can switch out at anytime. (but not back to TT)

    - 5000 Cargo is required to capture a Base (Stations/Ships)

    - 8000 Cargo is required to capture a Planet (Any Size Planet thats not considered a home planet)

    - 10,000 Cargo is required to capture Home Planet's ( New Republic: Coruscant, Deleya / Galactic Empire: Bastion, Byss)

    - TTs must inform SPs if they DO NOT want to be beamed back

    - Pirates may not attend Normal Attack TEs in Capitals, IF they are working for anyone other than themselves. (This also means that any base captured by them cannot be given away and must kept until the following weeks TE before it can be sold off.)

    1) Players may start at an allied faction's base inside the target system.
    2) Players may rearm/repair at an allied factions base inside the target system, including those captured during the TE.
    3) Players may not respawn inside the target system, if docked at a captured base and the player dies an attending SP will beam said player back to their respawn system (At which point said Player will be considered under SP protection and not allowed to be attacked, but also be prohibited from attacking anything itself).
    4) Capital ships may not rearm/repair within the target system, though they may start within the system.
    5) TTs may not start or rearm/repair within the target system, whether or not said TT is acting like a TT or not (Example being Large TTs being used as sub-caps).
    6) Players may not dock/repair/rearm at a base that has a capture timer running on it. If a Player dies and respawns at said base, or docks right before the capture timer starts, that Player must wait until the capture timer is finished in order to undock.

These rules are subject to change depending on TE outcome's.

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Lord of the Mod

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Post Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:50 pm

Re: TE Rules

Updated with:

TE is 1 Hour and 30 mins.
Each Faction may only Capture one base at a time.
Only Factions may Capture with Troop Transports.
Only Dedicated Troop Transport ships may capture bases (New Republic: Mu Shuttle, Nu Shuttle, Large Republic TT / Galactic Empire: Sigma Shuttle, Military Shuttle, Large Imperial TT) .
To capture a base you must have a Large TT (Or a Cap when they are unlocked) In order to land troops
The Large TTs can capture with a Timer like a normal Capital.
They do not have to be in front of the dock but must be within 2k of the base or planet.
Troop Transports will have to be part of the Trading arm (SFS/NR-S).
Capitals showing up to a TE will be charged a Fee for each time they die (Cap pilots are allowed to switch to a Strike craft to stop mounting prices).
TT Pilots can switch out at anytime.
5000 Cargo is required to capture a Base (Stations/Ships)
8000 Cargo is required to capture a Planet (Any Size Planet thats not considered a home planet)
10,000 Cargo is required to capture Home Planet's ( New Republic: Coruscant, Deleya / Galactic Empire: Bastion, Byss)

These rules are subject to change depending on TE outcome's.

Caelitus Mihi Vires.
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Lord of the Mod

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Post Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:21 am

Re: TE Rules


- TE is 2 Hours.

- TTs must inform SPs if they DO NOT want to be beamed back

Temp Removed:
Capitals showing up to a TE will be charged a Fee for each time they die (Cap pilots are allowed to switch to a Strike craft to stop mounting

Caelitus Mihi Vires.
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Lord of the Mod

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Post Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:31 pm

Re: TE Rules


Separated the Cap changing rules and defined it further.

- Cap pilots are allowed to switch to a Strike craft to stop mounting
prices, Or to simply change there Game play. (They may only Change once and it must be into a medium fighter or bomber.)

Caelitus Mihi Vires.
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Lord of the Mod

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Post Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:46 pm

Re: TE Rules

- Pirates may not attend Normal Attack TEs in Capitals, IF they are working for anyone other than themselves. (This also means that any base captured by them cannot be given away and must kept until the following weeks TE before it can be sold off.)

If its defense and they are hired its all good.

Caelitus Mihi Vires.
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Lord of the Mod

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Post Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:59 am

Re: TE Rules


1) Players may start at an allied faction's base inside the target system.
2) Players may rearm/repair at an allied factions base inside the target system, including those captured during the TE.
3) Players may not respawn inside the target system, if docked at a captured base and the player dies an attending SP will beam said player back to their respawn system (At which point said Player will be considered under SP protection and not allowed to be attacked, but also be prohibited from attacking anything itself).
4) Capital ships may not rearm/repair within the target system, though they may start within the system.
5) TTs may not start or rearm/repair within the target system, whether or not said TT is acting like a TT or not (Example being Large TTs being used as sub-caps).
6) Players may not dock/repair/rearm at a base that has a capture timer running on it. If a Player dies and respawns at said base, or docks right before the capture timer starts, that Player must wait until the capture timer is finished in order to undock.

Caelitus Mihi Vires.
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Lord of the Mod

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Post Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:30 am

Re: TE Rules

- Each Faction may only Capture Two bases at a time.

- Capturing timer for bases that are not Planets is now 10 mins, Planets remain at 15.

- Once a Capital ship that has been capping is destroyed or leaves the 2k capping zone it has 5 minutes to return before the timer is reset
Also any allied capital ship in the area can take over within that 5 minutes to prevent the timer from resetting.

- Pirate Capitals may show up to an Attack TE if they plan to take the Bases for themselves and are not allied with any other Major Faction.

Caelitus Mihi Vires.
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Lord of the Mod

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Post Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:45 pm

Re: TE Rules

-Bombers may no longer have infinite re-spawns.

Some extra fighters will take its place.

Caelitus Mihi Vires.

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