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Republic Fleet Operations

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:18 am
by John Cena

Stories of warfare are often of those fighting on the front lines. The rank-and-file soldier, the starfighter pilot, and the captain of a battleship. These stories rarely, if ever, focus on the point of view of the commanders in the rear. The following is a record of the actions and operations of the New Republic Fleet Command.

Naval Operations Center
New Republic Fleet Command
Ministry of Defense, Coruscant

It was a building the went by many names: the Naval Operations Center, NAVOPS, the NOC, the War Room. However, due to its commander, it was often given the misnomer of FLEETCOM. It was the General Headquarters of the New Republic Defense Fleet and the center of the Republic's military command and control scheme. From the individual fighter squadrons, to entire battlegroups, the primary landing forces of the New Republic Marines, and even the logistical operations of the fleet, everything eventually came back to NAVOPS. A semi-circular room, arrayed with various computer terminals, holographic displays, and a large holographic galactic map, it was the nerve center of the Republic military. The one in charge of the facility was oft considered the second most powerful person in the Republic, outside of the Chief of State. And currently, this power fell in the hands of a brown-haired woman.

"Admiral Nishizumi, Ninth Fleet's reporting in," spoke a lieutenant at one of the communications terminals. "Task Force 25 reports successful negotiation with the Administrator of Cloud City, and the restoration of the orbital shipyards at Bespin. However, Task Force 17 was unable to prevent Imperial forces from establishing a garrison on the outer edge of the system. Vice Admiral Orin is requesting orders on how to proceed, ma'am."

Admiral Maho Nishizumi was not an imposing figure, yet she always had a cool, almost cold demeanor. Her face rarely showed sign of emotion when she was in Ops and today was no exception. Walking over the Lieutenant's station, she ordered, "Give me an overview of the Bespin system, Lieutenant."

"Aye, aye, ma'am." Pressing a few keys, the Lieutenant's display flashed until is showed the entire system layout. In addition to the sun, planets, and moons, markers lit up showing the positions of the Task Forces of the Ninth Fleet, as well as the supposed location of the Imperial garrison. The Lieutenant narrated, "Bespin, Anoat sector. 4 planets and several moons and moonlets. Taffy 17 reported a similarly sized Imperial Force gathering in sector G7," he said pointing to the red markers. "Ninth Fleet reports that Taffy 17 engaged Imperial forces approximately 18 hours ago. Total enemy force consists of 10 capital ships, 2 Imperial-IIs, 2 Enforcers, 4 Nebulon-B2s, and 2 Escort Carriers. Taffy 17 reports that 1 B2 was destroyed, another damaged, and one enforcer was forced to withdraw. Total snubfighter force loss is unknown, though at least 2 squadrons were destroyed, types unknown."

Maho proceeded to ask the dreaded question that all commanders were forced to ask in battle, "And our losses?" She said this with her usual straight face.

The lieutenant looked down for a moment, before pressing more keys, bringing up the casualty report. "3 Nebulon-B frigates and two Quasar Fire-class cruisers were destroyed. 3 other vessels suffered heavy damage and the task force had to break off. 2 fighter squadrons were lost and a 3rd suffered 4 casualties. 4 bombers were lost as well, 2 of the pilots ejected successfully." Maho lowered her head as she regarded the losses. It was only about 5 seconds before she asked, "What other forces do we have in the system, Lieutenant?"

"Task Force 21 and 34 are at reduced strength with their lead cruisers out for refit, forces can be ready within 10 days. Taffy 6, 17 and 25 are the only other forces in range and 17 returned to the Bespin Yards for repairs. The Sixth Fleet is in the Ison Corridor and can be on station in 3 weeks." Maho internally winced at her force disposition. While she had the numerical superiority, and enough fighter forces to support another offensive, the losses the Ninth had were worn out and heavily damaged. Yet if she didn't act now, there was no telling what imperial forces could arrive in 3 weeks. She made her decision, "Task Force 25 is to hold station and defend the shipyards. Inform the Sixth Fleet they have two weeks to arrive on station to relieve the Ninth. If they have to arrive piecemeal to do it, so be it. Once the Sixth is fully on station, the Ninth is to return to base for full refit."

The Lieutenant nodded an affirmative, "Aye, aye ma'am." Switching to his comm channel, the Lieutenant started speaking into the comm, "Ninth Fleet Command, this is NAVOPS. Orders from FLEETCOM as follows...."

As he spoke, Maho walked towards the exit, turning to her Chief of Staff, Erika Itsumi, "Commander Itsumi, you have the conn. Keep me apprised of the Bespin situation." The blonde nodded an affirmative, "Aye, aye, Admiral." Maho barely heard Erika's statement as she was already leaving the command platform.

OOC: First RP I've actually tried to write by myself. And yes these are Girls Und Panzer characters, sue me.